Not only was the skit hilarious, but it combined old people, a fashion show, and retro clothing. I was in love.
I officially knew we were meant best friends when I read this quote of hers online:
"I spent the day in bed with my life partner again today, her name is kettle one. We were talking about why I am still single and we basically came up with 3 reasons why I have nothing to offer anybody. Number 1 is because I cant cook and Im not willing to learn asshole! I cant clean, and there is a GOOD chance I might be an.....ALCOHOLIC. Think guys would be a little bit more excited about that! I mean... all they do is bitch and moan...."you drink too much." "you sleep too much." waaa waaa. Its like... if you were drunk all the time you'd be tired too! Its not easy!" - Chelsea Handler
From that moment on we were inseparable, like Grey Goose and Tonic or Wino and her crack pipe. I DVR Chelsea Lately, I've read her books, and I have even drove over 2 hours to see her standup live in some nowhereville town in P.A. If you haven't given her a chance, I suggest you start by reading both of her books, My Horizontal Life and Are You There Vodka? It's Me Chelsea, which can be found on You can also set your TIVO or DVR to record the show which is on Weeknights on E! at 11:30/10:30 and features Chuy, her little nugget.
I have yet to find someone who didn't like her after they officially gave her a chance...after all who can say no to these hot messes?

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