Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Paper or Plastic?

So I'm back from vacation and decided to take a trek out to Target to finally see the Loomstate Collection.  I didn't snag anything, maybe because I took so long getting there, but I did finally find a bag for my laptop.  I got a  17" Apple Macbook Pro for Christmas and have had the hardest time finding a cute, stylish bag to hold my computer.  If anyone has this computer, you have probably been in the same situation I am.  Its no fun.  Anywhore, behold my new bag:

Felix Rey for Target Large Canvas Tote-$44.99


I love love love all these designer collaborations. And I love that Target keeps expanding the collections to other items besides clothes.  If only Marc or Zac Posen could do one. Imagine Zac Posen for Target Evening Wear.  I think I would die, I just don't know if that would be a good thing or a bad thing.

Here's a horrible/hilarious picture of me taken when I went to Amishland aka Lancaster, PA. Yes I am wearing a bonnet and I'm drinking a vodka cranberry in a Strawberry Shortcake Sippie Cup. I think to most "City Folk" the amish fascinates us, err or at least me anyway. I can't get enough of it.


Aline said...

I love it! I have a 17" too and it is so hard to find cute bags for it!!

Anonymous said...

I think its a great bag, but I wish they'd get someone good to make good bags for target!!